It all began with a right hand lifted and these words of Honor spoken, “I do solemnly Swear (or Affirm) that I Will-”
The rest is history! You’ve made phenomenal, selfless sacrifices in efforts to protect this great Nation. Serving our country can result in many conflicting emotions. You may have regrets about things that you were asked to do and aren’t sure how to live life with the choices. You may have experienced death of friends, harsh realities of having to kill enemy soldiers, civilians, women and children. Your eyes has witnessed and plastered unforgettable images in your mind that revisit you continually. Over time, you learned to be numb and place emotional barriers that were necessary to save your life, enabling you to cope. Now you don’t know how to take those barriers down. DCC is veteran owned, we’re equipped to assist our brothers & sister in Arms with the necessary Therapy to navigate you successfully through this trying mission. We will never leave a fallen comrade!